To protect the sensitive nature of the discussion, this webinar will NOT be recorded. Be sure to attend IN PERSON!
Stefanie Attardi, PhD, a tenured Associate Anatomy Professor at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, researches the profound impact of ubiquitous communication and information technologies on teaching and learning expectations, and student outcomes. Her research in online science education, recognized by the American Association for Anatomy’s 2022 Early Career Anatomist Publication Award and the International Association of Medical Science Educator’s 2023 Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation, aids educators and administrators in evidence-based decision-making. As Co-director of a first-semester basic science course, she supports Gen Z students transitioning to medical education. Her committee leadership positions at institutional and international levels focus on curriculum development and faculty and student professional growth. Her speaking engagements revolve around online education, Gen Z learners, and qualitative research skills.
Kara Sawarynski, PhD, is the Assistant Dean for Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement at Oakland University William Beaumont (OUWB) working with educators across the continuum to evolve the curriculum to meet the needs of today’s students. She is a tenured Associate Professor of Cell Biology, holds several committee leadership positions at the institutional and national level, and serves as an Embark Program Co-Director, which includes developing research design courses and advising medical students in the conception and execution of their required independent research projects. Her research career spans molecular and cellular and cancer biology, and is now focused on developing educational scaffolds to support Gen Z students. She is a national AAMC Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) fellow and has completed Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead certificate program. Dr. Sawarynski is passionate about creating an environment in which all students and faculty can thrive.
Association of Biochemistry Educators (ABE) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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